My Bootstrap 3 notes

January 2nd, 2014 by admin Leave a reply »

I thought I would put together a list of some things I have noticed about Bootstrap 3 for anybody here either trying to implement it for their site or doing an upgrade form 2.x to it.  This will probably be more helpful for those of you upgrading because I will go into differences I have noticed in the two.  I welcome any comments to this as I do not profess to be the authority on this stuff, lol.

Here is the code I came up with for the popover tool

var popOverSettings = {
                        placement: 'bottom',
                        container: 'body',
                        html: true,
                        selector: '#tools',
                        content: tpel,
                        title: "Tools"


The key differences I see here is the container: body and the selector: ‘#tools’ items.  Those options seem to be in the last 2.x version but for some reason my popover would not format correctly till I got it added in.

Another big thing I noticed is that a lot of the elements across my site had user agent css applied to my html, in particular this one: -webkit-padding-start:40px;.  What you need to do to solve this one is add in a ‘reset’ css to your site up front, here is a good one to reset your elements before bootstrap gets a hold of it:  Supposedly these styles are just part of the browser, like Chrome or Internet Explorer and the reset.css file just takes your site and ‘resets’ all the elements back to the basic.


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