Backbone collection sorting.

May 14th, 2013 by admin Leave a reply »

Recently I had a need to sort a list of records in a list by the Date it was created and I wanted to do so using backbone, well it turns out there is a very simple and slick way to get this done, I have included the code snippets below:

The collection:

], function (backbone, model) {
    return backbone.Collection.extend({
        url: '/your_url/',
        model: model,
        sort_key: 'id', // default sort key
        comparator: function (item) {
            return -item.get(this.sort_key);
        sortByField: function (fieldName) {
            this.sort_key = fieldName;

As you can see you just use the comparator: function built into the backbone collections and in my example I am passing a negative so that it will sort descending, the default is ascending so just leave the minus sign off if you want it to work that way. I included the sortByField function here as a convenient way to call it in the code off the collection, it uses the sort_key field in the comparator to organize your collection. Below I have the usage, as you can see, its just a simple call to the string name of the field you want to sort by.

The usage:

new collection().fetch({
                data: { data: "whatever" },
                success: function (r) {
                error: function (c, r) {
                    alert("Error retrieving the data.");


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